The SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan) of the Municipality of Treviso was a lengthy and comprehensive project, widely shared with the population and strongly supported by the quantitative analysis of ongoing phenomena. In drafting the Knowledge Framework, the dimensions of the mobility phenomenon in Treviso were framed according to the following macro-themes:

  • Pedestrian Mobility
  • Cycling Mobility
  • Urban Public Transport
  • Road Network
  • Mobility in the Historic Center
  • Innovation and Culture for Sustainability
  • School Mobility

For each theme, the dimensions of the phenomenon, current state criticalities, and opportunities were assessed.

The Knowledge Framework of the Treviso SUMP is particularly rich in surveys, which constitute the solid quantitative basis upon which the entire planning process relies.Traffic cordoning surveys were conducted using MIOVISION automatic equipment on the main access roads to the city center. Special attention was paid to the circumferential

avenue that surrounds the historic center, known as PUT, as it is a fundamental connecting axis for Treviso’s mobility. Thanks to technological innovations in the municipality’s parking management system, we analyzed the parking system, accessing data related to service occupation index, turnover rate, and payment status for each individual parking spot. In 2011, the Municipal Administration conducted a survey on Treviso’s cycling mobility called “Bikes Count“, aiming to analyze and quantify the role of cycling traffic in the city’s urban mobility. This allowed us to analyze cycling flows over several years. Surveys on public transport involved the local company, MOM, which provided data on ticket sales, in addition to a massive survey campaign through questionnaires and direct surveys. Incidental analysis was conducted using detailed data provided by the Municipality, considering all incidents requiring the intervention of the Police and Carabinieri forces.

This wealth of analyzed data has allowed us to clearly identify the critical points of Treviso’s mobility system, enabling us to intervene with targeted actions to solve the problems. Here are some of them, but we refer you to the smartbook available for download for further details.

Pedestrian mobility is discouraged by the presence of cars and the urban structure that does not favor vulnerable users. Therefore, interventions aim to increase pedestrian traffic by protecting the indispensable functions that guarantee pedestrian mobility, while mitigating conflicts with other traffic components.

Cycling mobility, although widespread, needed to be strengthened by enhancing tourist routes and routes for daily mobility.

For local public transport, the target was set to increase the modal share by up to 10% for local public transport, aiming to achieve an efficient transport network that can meet the mobility needs of the population. The SUMP proposes a series of road interventions, the implementation of which is distributed across different timeframes. The main objective is to improve road safety levels in the urban network. These interventions are assessed based on their contribution to reducing congestion and streamlining the mobility system, serving as infrastructure assets to integrate private traffic management policies and regulatory measures in environmental terms. The set goal of reducing motorized traffic by 26% in the urban center is accompanied by a coherent policy on the municipal road network to favor and promote a conscious and responsible use of existing space.

Interventi infrastrutturali planimetria generale

Planimetria generale degli interventi infrastrutturali
